Thursday, June 30, 2005

Cool and other Cool Stuff

Kevin, our nice UPS man, delivered only a few small packages in the last couple of days, but they were full of fun stuff. In one of the boxes was some real Stuff - Cool Stuff, Light Stuff, and Wild Stuff from Prism yarns. The Stuff's pricey, but oh so gorgeous. Equally cool were the kits and gadgets from Nancy's Knit Knacks, including her handy Knit-Kard sets, some Scandinavian design Christmas stocking kits, electronic row counters, and circular needle ID tags. Nancy is a real innovator in our business. Nancy has come up with some things that cause us to wonder, "why didn't I think of that?" OK, I admit it, I'm a gadget nut.

I'm down to the decrease section of the Clapotis shawl I'm making using Feza Hawaii, which alternates smooth sections with some fuzzy sections. I'd been lurking on the Clapotisknitalong yahoo group thinking I'd like to make one of these when I saw this yarn and wondered what it would look like as a Clapotis. The pattern is intriguing because it's knit on the diagonal with drop stitches. The fuzz makes dropping the stitches a little bit of work, but I think it's going to be worth it. I'll post a pic when it's done.


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